jQuery.ui.domwindow - demo - options


Everytime $.ui.domwindowdialog.setup was called, it replaces old settings.
Pass options like below.


close or not when overlay was closed. "true" as default.

or then
            overlayclickclose: true
            overlayclickclose: false


Enable or not fade animation on overlay. "true" as default.

or then
            overlayfade: true
            overlayfade: false


opacity of the overlay. 0.8 as default

or then
            maxopacity: 0.9
            maxopacity: 0.3


Dialog positioning uses position 'fixed'. But with this option, it forces dialogs to be positioned by 'absolute'. 'false' as default. If you don't specify this option, old mobile browsers and IE6 that doesn't support position fixed get 'true' automatically.

But please take care of Android 2.X. see this page for details.

or then
            forceabsolute: true
            forceabsolute: false

other options

height Height of dialog
width Width of dialog
fixedMinY Minimum top margin when diaglog was over the bottom of the page.
Make window size small then check what this means.
selector_open dialog opener selector.
'.apply-domwindow-open' as default.
Domwindow watches the click using event delegation.
selector_close dialog closer selector.
'.apply-domwindow-close' as default.
Domwindow watches the click using event delegation.
ajaxdialog Make default dialog to ajaxdialog.
Any apicall or data-domwindow-[dialogtype]="true" will override this.
"true" as default.
iframedialog Make default dialog to iframedialog.
Any apicall or data-domwindow-[dialogtype]="true" will override this.
"false" as default.
iddialog Make default dialog to iddialog.
Any apicall or data-domwindow-[dialogtype]="true" will override this.
"false" as default.
ajaxdialog_avoidcache Make nocache to true when ajaxed.
"true" as default.
ajaxdialog_mindelay Set minimum delay to dialog open when ajaxdialog was used.
300 as default.
bgiframe see bgiframe demo.
"false" as default.
spinjs see spinjs.
"false" as default.
spinjs_options pass the options to create Spin.js instance.
nice looks option as default.